Sunday 9 June 2013

The Great Leeds Bake Off

Yesterday saw the first Great Leeds Bake Off , organised by AgeUK at their lovely Arch Cafe as part of the Leeds Loves Food festival.

There were 36 cakes entered into the competition across three categories: International, Vintage/Retro, and 'Leeds Loves Food'.

I baked an American Red Velvet / New York Cheesecake layer cake for the International category, and my friend Ally baked a Raspberry Mojito Cake.

We dropped the cakes off at lunchtime ready to be judged by Lynn Hill, founder of the Clandestine Cake Club, and Vivek Singh Kashiwale of the 1875 Restaurant.

In the meantime, we pottered around Handmade In Yorkshire for a bit with the OHs and the kids, then it was back to the Arch Cafe to have a look at the other entries and hear who had won each category and then dive in to scoff as much cake as possible.

The winner of the Leeds Loves Food category was a Beetroot Chocolate cake with a herb icing, and the winner of the Vintage/Retro category was a very pretty looking Eton Mess cake. Regrettably, I didn't get to try either of those ones :(

The International category was won by a Swedish Saffron cake. Now I did try this one, and I think it was a pretty controversial decision, it certainly wasn't to my taste and the only other person who seemed to like it in our group of seven people was my 3yo son!

So the bake off was great fun and it's definitely tempted me to investigate the Clandestine Cake Club further and maybe go along and bake for a club meet over the summer. Of course I'll blog about it if I do so watch this space!

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