Sunday 9 June 2013


I have ventured down Dock Street a couple of times before, but this is the first time I've come in to PIN. Oh for the carefree pre-kids days! Were I back in those days I could see this being a regular Sunday afternoon destination!

Nestled away behind The Adelphi near Brewery Wharf, PIN is a bijou bar-cum-pub owned by the wonderful Leeds Brewery.

Some stunning prints of photographs of several Leeds landmarks adorn the walls,   along with a blackboard showing a cool beer 'family tree'

A menu inviting you to 'build your own pie' has caught my eye - you mix and match a pie, type of mash, and a beer for £9.95 - the menu recommends matches for you too, which is pretty cool.

Just a drink though for me today - I'm killing time before the last IronCupcake:Leeds after all, so it would be downright foolish to fill up and occupy valuable cake-space in my belly.

Being a Leeds Brewery bar, Leeds Pale would be my natural choice, but as I went to order this by default from the lovely friendly bar man, a scrumpy cider on the pump next door caught my eye, and being a lovely sunny day, I decided to opt for that instead.

What a yummy tipple! The barman confessed to having over indulged in it himself yesterday, and at 6%, combined with its deliciousness, I can see how that would be easily done!

I'll definitely be bringing the lovely Other Half down here for a drink (and maybe a pie!) sometime soon. Ideally we'll have to get a babysitter while we still have these lovely light evenings and have a date night exploration of Brewery Wharf.

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